Archive for category Pictures
Dynamic Duo
Oct 27
In Septemeber of 2022, Red Rock Consulting and Drilling Services of Oklahoma (DSO) spent some time on a barge as part of the geotechnical investigation for a new bridge along SH 100 over the Arkansas River. This team has the most experience conducting geotechnical work from a barge in Oklahoma. The project required approval by USACE, environmental clearance and a ton of coordination to get everything and everyone going. GREAT work, guys!
We Moved!
Feb 27
After 10 years at our home on Highwater Circle, we were not too excited about moving down the road a few miles. After A LOT of hard work packing, moving, and unpacking, it seems it was worth the hassle. A HUGE thank you to everyone at DSO for helping with the heavy lifting – we had no idea what we were getting into!
Family Fun at OSU
Jan 10
Kristi Bumpas, along with Todd and Colin Simpson with DSO, had some (FRIGID) family fun at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater this past week. The field investigation for the new DASNR Teaching Research Lab included pressuremeter (PMT) testing. While PMT testing is always entertaining, it is even more so when the temps drop below freezing! Luckily a propane heater kept things moving along. Thanks, Todd!
Our very first celebration in January 2011 was actually closer to our 2nd year anniversary. There was only 1 employee for the 1st anniversary! We had a ribbon cutting with the Edmond Chamber of Commerce to celebrate the opening of our new office. Before then we had fit 3 ladies in 1 home office. Once Jason came on board we needed space. At the party I attempted to give a speech to tell everyone just how thankful I was for them and all that we had accomplished together. I cried so much I couldn’t get through it! That was the one and only time I attempted a public display of gratitude!!

(Almost) 2 years for Red Rock Consulting in January, 2011. Todd Simpson (DSO), Michaela Varnier, Tess Jones, Kristi Bumpas, Jason Unruh and Brad Bettes (DSO)
All I remember about our 3rd anniversary party is that it was HOT! It was before we built out the garage for our soils lab, so we had the party out there where the air conditioning vent was always closed!

Red Rock Consulting celebrated 3 years in July, 2012, along with DSO. Jason, Todd, Polly, Kristi, Brad and Robel
Tommy got up very early on this July day in 2013 to drive all the way from Colorado for this 4s pic. You see, for weeks Tommy had been drilling a pipeline project with Todd, who emphatically told the rookie how important these anniversary parties were. He pushed them hard to get done in time and drove all day to get back in time for the party. I will never forget how tired he looked and his quick retreat from the party. Attendance at the parties actually became important after that! Notice this as the only anniversary absence of Mr. Simpson. 🙂

Red Rock Consulting and DSO celebrate 4 years in July, 2013! Brad, Cody, Polly, Robel, Kristi, Tommy and Jason
Our 5th anniversary brought about the Red Rock Consulting “Most Valuable Client” Awards. We have had fun since then, just before the party, getting together and thinking of silly “award categories” that remind us of each client or company for the year.
Our 6th year must have been our biggest year – we had 10 employees and a summer intern for that party. We expanded the lab (got it AC and walls) and were in the process of ODOT certification for the very first time.

Red Rock Consulting celebrated 6 years in 2015. Junior, Shawn, Chad, Robel, Kristi, Mike, Michelle, Jason, Polly, David, Todd and Tommy
2016 was our 7th year anniversary. We gave out employee awards to Tommy and Chad for powering through and working so hard that year. It was impressive! We actually forgot to our 7s pic at the party, so we tried to recreate it when almost everyone was at the shop for safety training.
Between the 7 year anniversary and 10 year anniversary we were too busy to party! We worked on the Willis bridge project through the end of 2106 and then US 69 through Calera began in June of 2017 and is still going in 2019. Our 2 largest projects back to back!
This year, though, we had to stop and say thank you to everyone who had made the first 10 years possible. So, thank you!!! Not just Jason, who is in each and every anniversary picture, but each and every one of you – employees past and present, clients, family, friends – we could not have done it without you! I am actually not even sure how we did do it, but we did. Every project, every hour worked, contract negotiated, question answered, boring drilled, lab test completed, report finished, phone answered, kid babysat… ALL OF IT! THANK YOU!!!
It’s been 10??!!
Aug 18
I cannot believe it has already been 10 years since Red Rock Consulting started with 1 employee out of my home office. It has definitely been interesting! and stressful! and exciting! We had a little fun along the way, too. While Robel and Michaela couldn’t make it in person, we did get to group chat with them during the party. It was good to see so many of our clients and friends.

Polly and Melanie made this wonderful collage out of pictures of all the employees and parties we have had. And the Most Valuable Client awards are always fun!
E Week 2019 2.0
May 2
It’s not always easy coordinating a bus trip from 2nd grade to Red Rock Consulting, so E Week 2.0 happened in May. Second graders got a field trip to Red Rock Consulting’s office to learn about soil sampling and testing. They “cored” into layers of cake, candy, frosting and other sweet treats to get a tasty sample to eat as they learned about geotechnical engineering. They also explored the lab and performed real soils testing with the lab guys.
Founded by NSPE in 1951, E Week is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. For information about E Week 2020, follow the link below:
DMT Demonstration at OU
Apr 10
On a beautiful day in April, Red Rock Consulting’s Kristi Bumpas, along with DSO’s Brad Bettes and Bennett Stone, traveled down to OU to demonstrate the flat plate dilatometer (DMT) to civil engineering students in Dr. Amy Cerato’s in situ testing class. The future Dr. Tommy Bounds (our friend and former Red Rock employee) stopped by to say hello and showed off some of the new professor presentation skills he’s been working on at OU.
E Week 2019
Mar 20
Employees with Red Rock Consulting took time to work with 4th graders at an Edmond elementary school during E Week 2019. Founded by NSPE in 1951, E Week is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. Each year we enjoy talking to kids about geotechncial engineering. This year we had fun with 2 experiments that demonstrated liquefaction. A mess was made and fun was had by all.
For information about E Week 2020, follow the link below:
For an experiment with liquefaction, follow the link below: