Archive for category Uncategorized

He’s Here!

Jeremy Basler joined the Red Rock team!

It’s official! Jeremy Basler, PE, made the switch to the Red Rock team this week as our Geotechnical Manager. He comes with many years of geotechnical engineering experience, orange pride and is just a really nice guy. Good luck managing us, Jeremy!!

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October Employee of the Month

Daniel Bolin, EI

Daniel Bolin, EI, joined the Red Rock Consulting team this month. He is a native Oklahoman and was a NCAA Division II soccer player for Oklahoma Christian University. Daniel has a degree in Mechanical Engineering, but he’s working on a transformation to geotech. He’s been here a couple weeks and already fits right in!

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Todd is a Man, He’s 40!!

To say he was surprised would be an understatement.  Plenty of friends, family and co-workers were on hand to help celebrate Todd’s 40th a month early with a surprise party.  He may forgive me someday….


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E-Week 2017

Another Engineering Week, another opportunity to shape young minds.  This year, Jason helped judge the Toothpick Bridge competition at the Science Museum once again while the whole crew chatted with elementary school students.  Pre-K and Kindergarten students learned about the Earth’s layers, basic geology and the different types of engineering.  They enjoyed learning about the Earth’s layers as they used colored play doh to make their very own globes.  Second graders got a field trip to Red Rock Consulting’s office to learn about soil sampling and testing.  They “cored” into layers of cake, candy, frosting and other sweet treats to get a tasty sample to eat as they learned about geotechnical engineering.  They also explored the lab and performed real soils testing with the lab guys.  It was a great E-week and the thank you letters were priceless!!


Pre-K and Kindergarten students learned about the Earth’s layers using play doh.


Pre-K and Kindergarten students learned about the different types of engineering.


Second grade students enjoyed “coring” into these sweet layers of soil!


Second grade students learned about geotechnical engineering while enjoying their “core samples”.


Second graders learned about soil testing from the experts.


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Career Week 2016

It was Career Week at Cross Timbers Elementary.  Who better to teach them about the work of a geotechnical engineer, but a real, live geotechnical engineer?  It was fun, but I think they liked the drilling career more.  🙂

Kindergarten students learned about geotechnical engineering.

Positive Tomorrows

Red Rock Consulting Employees and family members volunteered to remove….and then replace….all the furniture at Positive Tomorrows so that they could have their floors cleaned.  Red Rock also enjoys helping the non-profit organization by providing birthday parties for some of the students.  Positive Tomorrow’s is the only elementary school in Oklahoma City specifically for homeless children.  For more information or to volunteer or donate, go to their website at


Red Rock Employees volunteered at Positive Tomorrows.


A birthday party for one of the Positive Tomorrows students.

Fun in the Sun!!

We finished up drilling on Red Rock’s biggest project yet!  It was HOT as we drilled for the proposed new Willis Bridge at Lake Texoma.  The current US Highway 377 bridge connects Oklahoma to Texas, across the Texoma portion of the Red River.   We spent one month on the barge to complete 42 of the 44 bridge borings.  A little fishing, a lot of sun and some serious drilling out there.  Thanks, DSO!  You are the BEST!!


The existing Willis Bridge.


The barge came on 2 trailers.


If you want to see a driller squirm, raise his rig in the air!


A hydraulic spud barge was used for drilling over the water.


The barge really got up there!


You fished how many hours for that??


It was HOT!


Celebrating Lucky Number 7

Red Rock Consulting celebrated 7 years in business in June of 2016.  Lots of friends, family and clients were on hand to enjoy in the festivities.  The Most Valuable Client (MVC) Awards have gotten to be a thing.  This year, in addition to the MVC Awards, 2 employee awards were also presented.  And the winners were……

Best ODOT Negotiator – White Engineering

Best Scheduling – CEC (Travis Collins/Eric Atkinson)

Power Auger Award – Smith Roberts Baldishweiler

Most Random Project – Cabbiness Engineering

Best Climate Control – Guernsey

Where’s Our Giant Cookie?? – ZFI

Biggest Client of the Year – CP&Y


Top of the Rock Award – Chad Pierson

Spirit of Red Rock Award – Tommy Bounds


The newlyweds!  Whitney and Jason Unruh

The newlyweds! Whitney and Jason Unruh

Hi, Robel!

Hi, Robel!


This is how we engineers party!

This is how engineers party!


Angie and Michelle helping Kristi "insure" a good anniversary party

Angie and Michelle helping Kristi “insure” a good anniversary party


Bennett, Gerald, Birdy and Chad are seriously celebrating

Bennett, Gerald, Birdy and Chad are seriously celebrating


It's all about the cake.  Thanks, Maresa!

It’s all about the cake. Thanks, Maresa!


Clients anxiously awaiting the MVC Awards presentation

Clients anxiously awaiting the MVC Awards presentation


Top of the Rock Award - Chad Pierson

Top of the Rock Award – Chad Pierson

Spirit of Red Rock Award - Tommy Bounds

Spirit of Red Rock Award – Tommy Bounds

Team Kitty Cat Wins!

Employees from Red Rock, DSO and Interworks took team building to a whole ‘nother level this time.  Dragon boat racing on the Oklahoma River pitted members of Team Kitty Cat and Team Viper against one another for the title of Dragon Boat Champions.  Must be embarrassing to lose to kitty cats.  Rrrrrowr!!

Team Kitty Cat vs Team Viper

Team Kitty Cat vs Team Viper

Little Helpers

Today is bring your child to work day! We had 2 cuties in the office this afternoon learning about management, engineering and administrative duties. Great helpers!

Red Rock's interview team for today

Board Meeting

Helping Polly

Helping Polly

Management material, don't you think?

Management material, don’t you think?