So…we lost a day on this one…but met a really nice dozer guy! I have a feeling Jason, Todd and David won’t forget Duck Creek for a while!
Archive for category Uncategorized
Awwww DUCK!
Dec 20
Christmas 2013
Dec 15
Once again, Red Rock Consulting (RRC) and Drilling Services of Oklahoma (DSO) celebrated the Christmas season together. We all had fun visiting and losing money at Remington Park. We missed you Robel, Brad, John and Chad!
Working Hard
Nov 11
Happy Halloween!
Oct 31
Baby Talk
Aug 27
Its a Hard Rock Life
Jul 19
A RRC/DSO crew spent the week battling difficult rock conditions at a bridge rehabilitation project in McCurtain County, Oklahoma. Highly fractured bedrock of variable consistency (moderately hard to very hard) and composition (sandstone, chert) resulted in longer than usual coring time. We are very fortunate and thankful to have great drillers!
Celebrating 4 Years
Jul 13
Red Rock Consulting celebrated 4 years in business at an open house on July 12, 2013. Drilling Services of Oklahoma (DSO), clients, family and friends were all on hand to participate in the festivities. RRC was also celebrating the addition of the new soils testing laboratory and 2 new employees – Cody McCubbin and Tommy Bounds. Thank you to all RRC employees for a great 4 years!!!!!!
It Beats Working
Jun 28
Drilling Holes
Jun 20
RRC Volunteers
May 17
Red Rock Consulting employees volunteered their time yesterday at the Edmond Hope Center. We sorted canned goods from the recent letter carrier’s food drive. The amount of food that was donated was amazing and inspiring!
The purpose of HOPE Center is to meet the basic needs of members of the Edmond community by providing food, clothing, household items and financial assistance for rent and utilities. For more information, please visit the Hope Center website at To volunteer, contact Cheryl Woods at