OKC Biz Magazine Forty Under 40

September 28th, 2012 – OKCBiz

Forty Under 40: Kristi Kelty Bumpas

 40 under 40















Age 33

President and Project Engineer

Red Rock Consulting LLC


You could say Kristi Bumpas’ job rocks. Her company specializes in geotechnical engineering, and has advised clients like Vance Air Force Base in Enid, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration, as well as other private and commercial enterprises.

When she started Red Rock Consulting, it was the only geotechnical firm in the state owned by a female engineer.

Since she was a college student, Bumpas has spoken with and mentored children on the importance of education. She routinely volunteers at engineering programs such as Oklahoma State University’s Girl Scout Day and Engineer for a Day, and frequently judges at youth engineering competitions. To encourage her staff to participate, Bumpas lets them count time spent volunteering as work hours, even if the event falls on a weekend.

“I find it is important to encourage children, and girls in particular, to consider a path in engineering,” Bumpas says. “To teach them that it is OK to be smart.”

She has received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in civil engineering from OSU.

3rd Anniversary


Red Rock Consulting celebrated 3 years in business in July, 2012. Pictured with DS.


Red Rock Consulting celebrated 3 years in business in July, 2012.  Many clients, friends and family stopped by to enjoy the festivities.

My most sincere thanks and gratitude go to my employees and DSO for all the help over the past 3 years.  We would not be here today without everyone’s hard work.  I couldn’t do it without you!

And thank you to all of our clients, especially the ones who had faith in our little company since the very beginning.  I am so greatful for you all!


New Drilling Technique

Todd Simpson, DSO


Todd Simpson, DSO, takes a break from the 100+ degree heat while drilling a pipeline project for Red Rock Consulting. The summer of 2012 was the hottest on record with temperatures exceeding 115 degrees. Precautions – such as frequent breaks – must be taken to fend off heat stroke and other heat-related ailments while drillers and engineers are on site.

Fine Art

Painting by Polly Sharp

Polly Sharp, Red Rock Consulting Administrative Assistant and impressionist landscape artist, created this work for the Red Rock office.

Sometimes it Takes Two

Red Rock Consulting worked with both of DSO’s drill crews to complete this project at OSU-OKC. The project was on a fast track and we aim to please – especially for OSU!

Both of DSO's rigs

Both of DSO’s rigs

Got it Covered

Slice Magazine Cover

Kristi K. Bumpas, PE, LEED AP, appeared on the May 2012 cover of Slice Magaize.  Read the article

Thesis Defense Mastered

Okay, well maybe not a “mastered thesis defense”, but at least the Masters thesis has been defended!  Kristi K. Bumpas, PE, LEED AP, Red Rock Consulting’s President and Project Engineer, defended her Masters thesis on Monday, April 16, 2012.

The project was under the direction of Garry H. Gregory, PhD, PE, DGE, adjunct professor at Oklahoma State University and Principal Consultant of Gregory Geotechnical.  The thesis paper was entitled “Post-Peak Fully-Softened Strength and Curved Strength Envelope in Shallow Slope Failure Analysis”.  Other commitee members included Stephen Cross, PhD, PE and M. Phil Lewis, PhD, PE, both Oklahoma State University professors.


Kristti Bumpas earned a Maastter dgunder the direction of Dr. Garry Gregory.

Kristi Bumpas with Dr. Garry Gregory




Yep, We Can Do That!


Red Rock Consulting was recently hired to determine the bearing capacity of existing footings within the basement of an existing building. This was accomplished with a core machine, a hand-held water pump, a shop vac and a dynamic cone penetrometer. Oh, and 3 guys with muscles. It was messy, but we got the job done and made a friend in the process!


Basement Coring at FAA

DCP Testing in FAA Basement

Brad Bettes, DSO, with a new friend

Happy Holidays!

Red Rock Consulting and Drilling Services of Oklahoma celebrated the holidays at the annual Christmas party. Dinner and a limo ride to look at lights put everyone in the holiday spirit. Happy holidays from Red Rock and DSO!

RRC & DSO Christmas Party 2011


Meeting of the Minds

Fans of RRC and DSO

Sometimes You Need A Little Help….

Jason Unruh, EI and Robel Gibbe, EI on site in Norman, OK


Red Rock Consulting and Drilling Services of Oklahoma (DSO) recently completed the geotechnical investigation for the widening of the Interstate 35 bridge over the Canadian River in Norman, Oklahoma.  Due to the company’s summer workload, additional help was needed to keep all of Red Rock’s projects on schedule.  The help came by way of our friend, Robel Gibbe, EI, who stepped in and performed field work to ease the workload.

The field investigation for this project took approximately 3 weeks in the middle of the hottest Oklahoma summer on record.  Let’s all hope Robel will rejoin us soon!


Drilling with an ATV rig along the existing I-35 bridge over the Canadian River in Norman, Oklahoma